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  • Discover the Zherpa Community

    Joining the Zherpa community entails becoming a member of a worldwide community of Zoho users who are dedicated to quality, creativity, and assistance among themselves. Every Zoho user is a Zherpa in this place, prepared to explore and overcome the obstacles of the digital world together.

This community is made up of businesses, 
professionals partners and users

Our community acts as a vital bridge between companies or businesses 

Zoho talent and professionals looking for enriching career opportunities. 

Our platform is the ideal setting for a mutually beneficial match. 

Why should you join Zherpa?

Access to a global network of professionals and companies

Zoho skills-based employment and collaboration opportunities

Participate in exclusive
events, training and

Ongoing community support
 and mentoring

Zoho Experience Recognition Levels

Level One:

​ Zherpa Novice

The Zherpa Novice is a person who enters the Zoho world with no prior knowledge but a strong desire to learn and become proficient in using Zoho applications. When they use Zoho for the first time, they are frequently professionals or students who see it as a chance for both career and personal development. This level marks the start of an ongoing process of learning and exploration.

​Level Two:

​ Zherpa Beginner

At this point, the user has begun to learn how to use one or more Zoho applications. The Zherpa Beginner starts to comprehend the fundamental features and how they might be used in practical scenarios. Even though they are just getting started, their expanding knowledge serves as the cornerstone upon which their Zoho expertise will be constructed.

Level Three:

​ Zherpa Advanced

After moving through the first two stages, the Zherpa Advanced is now proficient in at least five to ten Zoho applications. The skills at this level include integrating apps for more sophisticated solutions, using technologies efficiently, and coming up with creative solutions to everyday issues. If other people are looking for advice, your experience is a great resource.

Level Four:

Zherpa Master

The Zherpa Master is a connoisseur of the Zoho app ecosystem. Possessing an extensive and profound understanding, he or she not only becomes an expert in the tools and applications but also leads the way in discovering novel approaches to utilize Zoho to optimize effectiveness and output. This level emphasizes his significance and prominence in the community by providing a plethora of opportunities, such as job offers on the Zherpa platform.

Do you have any questions?
 Are you a company or are you seeking employment?

Come and join our Zherpa community!